Hack: Fixing The WordPress i3theme Sidebar Issue (Part II)

Some time back I had posted a little hack to fix an issue that users of i3theme have, i.e., their right sidebar drops to below the main content area in IE6. But it wasn’t that good as it took care of only the situation when this phenomena was caused by the tag cloud widget. So, here is a little modification I did to fix the issue more properly. Go to your wp-content/themes/ folder and open the style. [Read More]

Project: "shantz-wp-qotd ", My Wordpress Plugin, Updated to 1.1.0

For the uninitiated: I made a few additions / modifications to the code and the plugin has been updated to 1.1.0. The changes are: Added Custom tag support for adding quotes anywhere in your posts/pages Added Custom quote separator support and multi-line quotes support Config Screenshots: I recommend that you update to this new version asap, as apart from the above mentioned changes, the code is a bit more cleaner as well, which would run a bit better IMO and also help in any modification if you have in mind. [Read More]

Shantz WordPress QOTD

Shantz WP QOTD is a plugin to add quotes to your wordpress blog in a few easy clicks. It adds quotes to your posts and your sidebars with a multitude of options for sources and customization. == Description == There are many quotes plugins out there. This one has been started with a view to have the best of features and options, ease of use and multiple sources to get the quotes from. [Read More]

i3theme awesomeness: Cool feature for end-users/viewers

I am just in love with this theme. I knew about the cool feature that you can click on those little green dots on the right top corner of any widget and the widget will minimize to just a bar but just now discovered another awesome feature for the viewers of the wordpress based blogs using this theme. The feature is that you, the viewer, can reorganize the widgets on the left and right sidebars according to your preference, like move the “Pages” widget towards the top for convenient navigation through all the static pages in the site. [Read More]

Hack: Wordpress i3theme IE6 sidebar problem solved

The awesome i3theme that this blog uses is a treat to the eyes, except to a lot of IE6 users. The issue is that for many people viewing wordpress blogs using this theme, the right sidebar doesn’t appear on the right, but **below **the middle column main area. I didn’t know this problem existed as I don’t use IE but when a friend mailed to let me know, I started hunting around for the solution. [Read More]