Project: Shantz XWinWrap Update to 0.3

Here is another update for the fans of XWinWrap, the tiny program that allows you to run animated wallpapers on your system. You could use screensavers, movies and what not as your desktop background. This update fixes a segfault that many users were facing, a new debug option to print some debug mesages to get some info if it is not working for you and a new hack option for giving a “desktop window” name to the program. [Read More]

TIP: Free Downloads For Windows Vista, XP Professional, Visual Studio 2008, MSDN And Much More

If you are a student (this works for non-students as well but I expect you to be honest ;) ), you can download a whole bunch of software for free. How? Well, all you need is to become an ACM student member, and join the MSDN AA (Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance) ACM Student Benefit Program. Normally it takes around 19$ for you to become a student member but you can do it for free for a limited time by going to http://campus. [Read More]