A webhost that puts building relationships with customers before making money is definitely a good webhost. And this works out to be good for you as well as the webhost in the end. Now, why am I saying this all which should be part of a “Doing Business 101” course. Because, in this world of unprofessional webhosting, where people lure you with fool’s gold, promising everything unlimited and cutting you off with even the slightest of deviation from their “AUP” mumbo jumbo,  there still exist good webhosts which promise you very little but are good enough to deliver on them and then some more.

I had this experience with my webhost just a couple of days back. My site was being hammered by 100s and 1000s of visitors from stumbleupon, digg, linux.com, linuxtoday, lxer, lifehacker, etc all at the same time. Needless to say I ran out of my 15 GB monthly bandwidth in no time. So many visitors coming but finding a mundane “509 Bandwidth exceeded” error. Alas!

I mailed my host that I was willing to pay a bit more to get some more bandwidth per month so that this doesnt occur in the future. I woke up in the morning and found a one-liner reply in my box that made my day “Increased monthly limit to 20 GB”. Without any charge. Even though I was willing to pay and  had told them so. And already I’m paying a very measly amount for my hosting (20$ per year) so they are not retaining a BIG customer as well. I’m just a tiny fish. If that is not the sign of a good webhost then I don’t know what is.

You must be curious who my webhost is (those of you already haven’t whois’ed it). Well, the host is Real Value Hosting. Do visit them. We need to have more hosters like them.

Disclaimer: The link above is my affiliate link. If you like the stuff I write, click on it, if you don’t you are free to remove the affiliate code from it. Regardless of what you do, please make sure to visit realvaluehosting once. They are indeed very good and this review is not at all paid, sponsored or solicited by them in any sense. This is just the only way I thought I could show them a bit of gratitude I have for them.