A Breath Of Fresh Air: My New Ubuntu Desktop

**UPDATE: **Surprisingly this post has found favour with “digg”ers :). Check the bottom of the post for some more info about the setup UPDATE2: On popular demand, I’ve uploaded my .conkyrc. Download Conky Configuration file by clicking here and save as .conkyrc in your home folder. After loitering around for so long, I finally got my lazy bum off the bed and installed Hardy Heron (8.04.1) onto my aging laptop. I’ve never been a sucker for eye-candy stuff, prefering to have more resources available for real work, instead of ooh-aahing over nice looking things all around my desktop. [Read More]

Project: ShantzTodayChanger (Windows Mobile Tool To Cycle Themes/Wallpapers Automatically)

The newly launched [“Projects”] section is hereby inaugarated with a Windows Mobile Tool developed by me, called “[ShantzTodayChanger]”. This is a little tool for your Windows Mobile based phones (Compatible with WM5/WM6 but not WM2003) which will cycle ur today background or theme after a set interval of time. It has a lot of features and options that you can discover by reading the text below. And you can even use this options to achieve something other than changing wallpapers as well but that depends on your imagination. [Read More]