Fixing the Raspberrypi 4 Ethernet disconnection problem

I added a Raspberry Pi 4B recently in my ever expanding homelab. To get the best network with the new gigabit ethernet port on the raspi, and still save power, I added a PoE hat to it so I could power the raspi as well as provide it data through the ethernet port. Everything worked fine except that I ocassionaly got into situations where the raspi stopped responding suddenly. Initially I thought that it’s crashing due to some issues and used to just restart it manually. [Read More]

Browser controlled Raspberry Pi Camera Car

Spent this weekend building a remote controlled car with a live camera feed with a Raspberry Pi doing the communication and brains duty. Pretty nice real time movement control and camera pan/tilt control through websockets with a live stream feeding back to any browser directly from the car through mjpg-streamer (PS: Video is at the bottom of the post. Browser/video on TV courtesy ChromeCast. Casted my Nexus 5 screen to the TV simultaneously while controlling the car :) ) [Read More]

Display Message on Samsung TVs in Python (Samsung MessageBox Service Exploitation)

This script is the result of a weekend’s hacking to get my TV to display incoming calls/texts which I miss invariably because the phone is buried under a sofa or in a different room. Earlier I had done this using my Odroid U2 and Tasker/AutoRemote but this was limiting as this meant that I could see the notifications only when I was watching something through the Odroid. Samsung TVs, which are DLNA enabled, also include a hidden service called “Message Box” which can display different information on the TV natively irrespective of which display mode/input mode you are in. [Read More]