Greetings, Earthling 🖖

I’m Shantanu, aka Shaan.

Your friendly neighborhood co-inhabitant of this tiny speck of dust, I maintain this site as a stochastic log of my calculations towards the futile aim of weeding out the anomalies from the equation that gives me my “42”.

In my Clark Kent mode, I spend my day at The Trade Desk, trying to crunch through petabytes of data and trillions of queries every day to understand the human behavior and make the advertising technology world a little bit better.

Before that, I spent a couple of decades in the Semiconductors world at Qualcomm and Google, building processors and AI accelerators, tinkering with chips, operating systems, device drivers, human interface devices, security et al.

When the lights go out everywhere, I like to don my maker hat and build stuff that no one wants.

I like to make and break things around me ranging from my smart toaster/TV to my web and phone apps to my car, strumming a bit of guitar, 3d printing stuff, and of course, shit-posting on twitter @shantanugoel.

Sometimes I post some of my travel and 3d print outputs on instagram, because I’ve been told by my gen-z interns that that’s a thing to do.

Do check out some of the other subdomains that I run.

NTP Driver For ESP8266

I’m building a smartwatch project based around the new IoT posterkid on the block, ESP8266. Apart from the usual “smart” stuff, it does still need to display correct time :) and hence, the need for an ntp driver/client. I couldn’t find anyone working on that yet, so wrote up a quick and dirty implementation here:

NTP Implementation for ESP8266

It still has a lot of stuff left to be done to make it good enough for the smartwatch project but it works. Feel free to try it out in your own projects and let me know how it fares :)

Weekend Hack: Shoutcast2Dropbox - Automatic Shoutcast Stations To Dropbox Recorder

So I got bored of listening to same old songs on my phone over and over and Rdio announced a streaming plan for India. With a sigh of relief I subscribed immediately and it was stellar at home with its wonderful 32 million song collection and chromecast support to boot. The experience during the commute daily was underwhelming. Couple the spotty airtel data connection with no one station covering all songs I would love and it makes for a frustrating commute with long gaps all over. Slacker has a radio station caching feature but unfortunately doesn’t support India. So I took things into my own hands and Shoutcast2Dropbox was born this weekend. Details follow below.

Browser controlled Raspberry Pi Camera Car

Spent this weekend building a remote controlled car with a live camera feed with a Raspberry Pi doing the communication and brains duty. Pretty nice real time movement control and camera pan/tilt control through websockets with a live stream feeding back to any browser directly from the car through mjpg-streamer

(PS: Video is at the bottom of the post. Browser/video on TV courtesy ChromeCast. Casted my Nexus 5 screen to the TV simultaneously while controlling the car :) )

Converting A Toy RC Car Into An Autonomous Fun Car The Indian Way

Dangerous is a mind which is left grounded at home for days. Being stuck at home and having a few pieces of joy around made me do this over the weekend.


  • An old Toy RC car broken out of shape by my 4 year old

  • DAGU Mini Driver

  • Screw Driver/Batteries/Tape/Glue/Rubber bands/Old gift cards

  • Half an hour of coding


A car that runs automatically making 8 shape on the floor (More like random fractals due to the wheels having no grip)

Patterbuzz - Your Content Your Way

My brother, Amit Goel, has founded a startup “Patterbuzz” which is aiming to disrupt the digital publishing marketplace. Read on for details about it in his words. I can assure you that you don’t want to miss out on this whether you are a publisher or a consumer :)

Welcome Offer: Download the app and register your account before 15th December and get 100 Credits FREE!! to download the content of your choice.