Google Adsense : Conflict of Interests?

“Google Adsense” has been caught in a conflict of interests with its parent company “Google”. Google piad 140k to teh cause of “Say No to Prop 8” but on the other hand people reported that Google Adsense delivered a substantially huge amount of “Say Yes to Prop 8” advertisements all over the internet, even on sites which are completely out of context with this matter. Not only is this conflicting with the interests of the parent company but also with the “Terms of Use” put forward by Adsense that ads should not have any kind of intolerance or advocacy towards an individual or a group. [Read More]

Creative Open Sources X-Fi Sound Card Driver…Finally

Creative has finally come to its senses and turned to the open source community to raise its X-Fi series of sound cards from the ashes on the linux platform, which got burnt mostly due to the poor quality of the drivers that Creative was giving out. The announcement for releasing the source code, licensed under GPL v2, was made on their forums. For the announcement and download details, click here. [Read More]

Make Money Out Of Nothing: Add Google Adsense For Search To Your 404 Page

A 404 page is an error page that is displayed when somebody tries to go to a link on your website that doesn’t exist. This could occur when someone linking to your website or typing in his browser address bar mistypes a url, or maybe that page has been moved or deleted by you. Lost opportunity? Maybe. But definitely not, if you follow this advise. Many people don’t have a 404 page altogether, a few implement with an inane message like “Something went wrong”, a few will try to help out the seemingly lost user by giving a few navigation options linking to home page, archives or most popular posts, etc. [Read More]

Save Your Adsense Account: Put Up That Privacy Policy

Google is known to be pretty strict with making sure that all Adsense publishers remain conformant to their policies. I’m not very old in this game but had read and heard enough (about google shutting down Adsense accounts without even warning) that I made sure to read their terms and conditions thoroughly. What got my attention was the very last line in the policy: Now why I wrote this post was that though almost every site I visit has adsense ads, but only a very miniscule fraction of them is abiding with this condition. [Read More]

Microsoft Has A Problem: Software Patents Go Up In Smoke

Just read over at groklaw about a ruling made last night by the US Appeals Court. According to it, the patents granted for business practices would have to undergo specific and stringent testing procedures to check the worthiness of granting a patent to it. Essentially, they are aiming to mandate a passing of “machine-or-transformation test” as a pre-requisite for granting a patent. This means that a mere “idea in my head” doesn’t qualify for a patent until it is put into practice on a machine or can transform the state of an object for a specific purpose. [Read More]