Comments In Google Reader Shared Items Are Here
Since quite some time, Google Reader has included the feature to share interesting items with your friends who also use Google Reader. Some time back they also added the option to “Share with a Note” to add your take to the shared piece. But I always thought there was no way to share back by comments (or see my friends’ take) about that particular article. One way could have been to post the comments on the original site of the article but that had the drawbacks that:
Others might not even go to the original site to check these comments
We might not want to make this discussion public outside of our social group
The original site might not even allow comments
Another way was to keep sharing the item again and again with your own notes, but that would really become a pain (as you can imagine where).
So, google listened to my unspoken thoughts and from this morning onwards, we have a new commenting feature on shared items. Click on the pic below to see it. So, they have given an alternate commenting system that you can use in your friend circle to discuss any item. Really cool, I’d say. What do you think?
(PS: The people who were “predicting” a couple of months ago that Google is going to shut down Google Reader, well, I don’t think so. I think they are workign full steam on it to make it an essential part in their grand scheme of things to create an ecosystem, along with Google Friend Connect)