Download pidgin 2.4.1 For Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (amd64/x86_64)
pidgin is everybody’s favourite IM client. Lifehacker includes it in its list of top 5 IM clients. Obviously I use it too, but one drawback of being lazy and not switching over to Gutsy Gibbon was that I was stuck with version 2.2.0 for a long time. But recently I began a new journey towards d-bus programming and chose pidgin as my companion. Found out that 2.2.0 has some serious d-bus issues on amd64 that were fixed in 2.4.0. Hence, installed all the dependencies, compiled the latest version today from source and installed it. Just thought of putting it out for my fellow Feisty users who are looking to upgrade as well but don’t want to go through the mess of compiling from source.
So download it from the below given link. However, since it is a relatively big package (around 8.5 MB), I might pull it if the bandwidth usage becomes too much, so download soon.
You can install it by:
Either using “gdebi” - A nice deb package installer that will also try to resolve dependencies for you.
or by running “dpkg -i pidgin_2.4.1-1_amd64.deb” on command line.
Let me know if you have any issues with it.