I’m a sucker for screen real estate, and thus I use 2 32" 4k monitors so I can see most of my apps’ windows simultaneously, instead of switching back and forth between them.
#myworkplace is pretty lean (on cables) and mean (on screen real estate). And a lot of tileception goes on (window tiling, then local tmux tiling, then 1-2 levels of remote tmux tiling) pic.twitter.com/wCqsusBfRb
— Shantanu Goel (@shantanugoel) August 10, 2020
I use the awesome Rectangle app that provides shortcuts to move/resize an app window to my liking. However, this goes for a toss whenever I disconnect my laptop, or reboot it. macOS can’t seem to reliably remember where to put the windows at such events and I’ve to keep playing this game of doing a lot of alt-tabs and rectangle keyboard shortcuts to get my app windows back where I like them. So, I spent some time recently to whip up a short hammerspoon script that allows me to do this easily.